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November 23, 2011



Congratulations! This is such an exciting step! Inspiring... As for the show, Dennis' mom was just telling us today that she's obsessed with it. We'll be looking for it!

Sally Blake

Hi Leigh and Noah,
Don't know if the show will come on to any of my Telecentro channels, but no matter! The house looks wonderful, and what you are doing there is even more WONDERFUL (Just checked out the Cloudhead site anew). I salute your dreams, your vision and your ACTIONS. I am determined to come one day with my paints and my heart filled with joy for life.
I have a little dog too now, he is called Star, the sweetest of souls.
In love and joy, Sal in Buenos Aires.

Leigh Shulman

We still haven't seen it. Probably won't until the next time one of us goes back to the US to pick up our copy. We've been traveling most of the time this show has been on the air, so I didn't really know much about it until we started talking to HHI about doing a show on us.

But since then, it seems to pop up everywhere and so many people watch it religiously. We still can't, though, because we don't have cable and can't download the shows from HGTV in Argentina. Funny how things go.

Let me know what you think. And.. looks like I may well be back in NY in February. Can I force you out to brunch again?

Leigh Shulman

Hi Sally,

And thank you so much for your kind and supportive words. Sometimes in the middle of all the work and trying to slog through different levels of culture and bureaucracy, it's hard to the bigger picture.

I hope you will come to the house with your paints. I think you'd like it here. And Star is welcome, too. Although, we will definitely have to keep guard with Mani and Pipa. They mean well, but they're big crazy puppies.

And I'm happy to hear you're back in Buenos Aires with love and life and joy.



Noah, be careful, I think I might have noticed some water damage in some of those properties!




Wow!!! That is an amazing house, I will definitely look for the episode. I'm happy to hear how well you guys are doing- from wandering to starting something that will touch so many kids' lives. I'm so impressed. :) Alanna


Nice, I wonder if I can illegally download the show, I'd love to see it.

That house looks amazing, I need to make it back to Salta.

Leigh Shulman

Thanks, Alanna! And I got your e-mail but haven't had a chance to write back yet. I will soon. xoL

Leigh Shulman

Hey Ayngelina,

I know, you're time in Salta was short and with too much phone waiting around. I'm glad we had a chance to meet even for a little while, though.

When you were here, we were filming for the show and had just just moved in. It was crazy hectic.

Next time will be more calm. Whenever that will be, you know you're welcome.


I wish we got House Hunters in France! :(That view from the studio is WOW!

Bravo to you for Cloudhead Art, may it bring much happiness to many - such a fabulous community project.

condo in Philippines

I enjoyed reading this.. Somehow changed my perspective in life.


Shenandoah Valley Bed and Breakfasts

Your article sounds interesting. In my next visit, I'll come to see your show and meet to Mani. He's looking cute and friendly.

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