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March 07, 2011


wholesale iphone

I like iPad so much. I am still waiting of iPad 2. he new iPad is dual core, front and rear facing cameras, an all new A5 dual core CPU and a nine times more powerful GPU. The new Apple iPad2 is more thinner, faster and lighter.


On Angry Birds.
Hanako and I just got back from Bermuda for a couple of days for my 40th bday. There was a kid we saw there with his mom and dad the first night at a restaurant. He was playing Angry Birds on the iPad and his mom was feeding him. When she asked him to concentrate on his food he became petulant. But when he couldn't get past a board, he gave it to his dad to help out. Hanako called him whiny boy, I called him Angry Bird boy. There weren't too many tourists around Bermuda since it was off season and we saw them at least two or three other times around the island.

On the one hand, it did seem like a bonding moment between the kid and his dad. Perhaps there's something similar between Lila and Noah, even though it looks like they're competing a bit or getting frustrated a bit.

But on Angry Birds itself: I play it on my Android phone and there's something I found that bears emphasis: there's no consequence for failure. You just keep going at a given level until you get it right. Sometimes, when I see that I've just shot the first bird wrong, I just start the level over right away. Perhaps there's some way to impress this upon Lila: no matter what happens to distract her or delay her from the game, it's still right there where she left off. I suppose sometimes when you've almost completed a level and you screw up there's some cost to having to start the level over, but you now know how to get to that point again and it will happen pretty quickly.

Personally, as an Android person, I'm waiting for a Notion Ink Adam.

Love to you, Noah and Lila from me and Hanako.


Jeff Bartlett

Ha, I love to hate the iPad too.

The iPad doesn't replace my phone and it doesn't replace my laptop. How is this revolutionary? It is utterly unnecessary.

As for angry birds, it works great on my phone and don't you dare call while I am playing!

Bryan Colliers

Be patient, if your child is abusing an ipad, make her a limitation. Because ipad addiction can harm your child.

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