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January 17, 2011



Love this idea! All the best with it. Look forward to seeing the results - maybe you will give permission for us to post some of them?

Amy Kellner

Hiya Leigh, I have a digital camera for you but I missed the mail cut-off date. Can I still send it to you somehow?

auto donation program

Can I get tax deductions if I donate my old digital camera?? I'm willing to donate this camera


Sounds like a wonderful idea, I hope for the best!

Procrastination Free Living

GOD bless this project it was so touching, I really like helping people!! I like your job and have always bless day..

Nomadic Samuel

This is a wonderful project :) I've traveled in this particular area of Argentina & the people are lovely - best wishes.

Leigh Shulman

Hey Samuel,

Glad to hear you liked this part of Argentina. We've lived in Salta for almost three years now and also like it. One of the reasons is the people here.

You have any plans to return? Or perhaps you'd like to get involved in this project in other ways?

Thanks for your comment!



MICATZ, a non-profit organization based in Tanzania, places volunteers from across the world willing to assist in various welfare projects in schools, hospitals, orphanages, monasteries, community/government organizations etc. with an aim to educate and help influence the life of the deprived people throughout Asia, Africa and Latin America.

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