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July 02, 2010




I look forward to getting caught up with your article and the BBC segment. In the meantime, I just wanted to say that the idea of respecting one another's parenting choices is one that I defend and one that resonates with me. When I was unable to breastfeed Mariel, I definitely felt judged by some other women, including friends, and the experience was demoralizing. No one wanted me to breastfeed my daughter more than I did. The frustration of the fact that I simply couldn't, because I didn't produce enough milk, was merely compounded by women who insisted if I just tried harder/longer, everything would work out. And that if I didn't, the health, intelligence, and very future of my child would be at risk.

The greatest lesson (well, one of them, anyway) I learned during pregnancy and in these early months of being a mom is that we each know our bodies and we each come to know our children in a way that no one else can possibly know. I respect other women's experiences and their choices. And I wish that they'd respect mine and other women's.

Leigh Shulman

I don't entirely understand the EBF only mantra that I hear from some. I am entirely pro-breastfeeding. I understand the importance of education, knowing the facts and the options.

But there are always extenuating circumstances. In some ways, when a mother decide not to even try and just goes with formula, it does make it more difficult for mothers who genuinely want to breastfeed but for whatever reason, it doesn't happen. Or stops early. Or is supplemented.

Even so, I don't like to draw what feels like arbitrary lines of who I will say can use formula and who should have tried more or harder or at all.

All that said, one line of your comment sticks out most to me.

"No one wanted me to breastfeed my daughter more than I did."

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