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June 09, 2010



It must be great to have so many posts go viral in their own ways. Virality [sic] is excitement. And Lila is a cutey.


Leigh, i just checked out Grandma Ruth's advice and it is very similar to my Nan Valerie's advice :) Nan showed me that ziplocs are a must for everything & great for packing jewelery in too.

Shoes must be stuffed with socks & packed around the outside to balance the weight, with pjs & toiletries on top for when you arrive!

Leigh Shulman

Excellent point. Def, fill every opening you can. Shoe space is so important.

I'd love to see a post somewhere dealing with how to choose which shoes to bring, though.

Balance and toiletries on top... also key.

Thanks, Rebecca!

Leigh Shulman

Thanks, Sabina. I think so too. :)

There's something particularly special, though, about a sleeping child.

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