Ok, so she's personable, funny. She's the mom of a six-year-old and the mom of a Layla. Two different kids for her, but you see the overlap? But I promise, it's not just navel-gazing that draws me to her site.
Recently, I've been thinking a lot more about guest posting for other websites. There are a few already in the works, but many of those sort of fell into my lap. They are also all within the travel-blogging sphere. I'd like to branch out and maybe write for a writing site?
So I began where I always do when I need an answer. I turned to the internet.
Thing is, many of the bigger websites where I'd like to publish make it very difficult to pitch your guest ideas. Some even tell you flat out not to bother because they only accept guest posts by submission. Let me also add, that if you are considering guest posting and run into this, ignore it. Submit anyway. Worst you can get is no answer or a no. But if you don't try, it's definitely not gonna happen. Not that I'm the best at taking my own advice in this vein, so let's just say I'm saying it as much for my own benefit as yours.
Anyway, back to Kelly. See, it already feels as if I know her better simply by writing this post.
I was becoming somewhat discouraged by the state of guest posting when literally minutes later the following blog post appeared in my inbox: Help! I Need Advice About Guest Posting!
In this article, Kelly invites you to post your questions about guest blogging. She then answers them from her personal experience as a regular guest blogger for Problogger, then turns to the many other bloggers she knows to add their two cents.
Basically, you get a free seminar on one of the most overwhelming parts of blogging that also allows for personal interaction with an already very busy blogger as well as insight from her community of bloggers.
Kudos, Kelly. I tend to be pretty cynical, and now you have me all moony-eyed.
My question? How do I guest blog for you?
What a good resource- I'm always amazed by all the creative ideas bloggers come up with for promotion and to increase readers!!
Posted by: Alanna | April 06, 2010 at 12:48 AM
Hi Leigh,
I was thinking about you last night...how interesting that you were thinking about me, too.
Thanks for this post and the positive feedback!
I don't have guest posts (any more) at my Cleavage - I'm thinking about revisiting that policy, though.
I'll e-mail you. We'll talk. xoxo
Posted by: Kelly Diels | April 06, 2010 at 12:09 PM
I really hope you do revisit that policy. I've been wondering how one would get a guest post on your site as well...always looking towards the future I am!
Leigh, enjoyed the post. Kelly is pretty awesome, and I like people who are straight forward and unapologetic in their views. I will have to poke around and read more of your stuff :)
Posted by: Gurl | April 06, 2010 at 01:39 PM
Awesome post, Leigh. The only problem is that I'll probably spend my whole morning reading her blog now. It's a good problem. What a great resource of info and so enjoyably written. Thanks for sharing!
Posted by: Angela | April 07, 2010 at 12:02 PM
Thanks for checking in, Kelly. I appreciate it.
Either way, point is, I took my advice. If the answer is no, that's ok too. I somehow suspect we'll eventually work together on something.
I enjoy your blog and am happy to share it with people.
I'm curious to know what you were thinking about me, though.
Posted by: Leigh Shulman | April 19, 2010 at 09:20 PM
It's a good read. And I'm glad you like it. Sometimes, I post things here, and I know I like them. But it's also good to know that others reading find my thoughts and suggestions useful as well.
Posted by: Leigh Shulman | April 19, 2010 at 09:21 PM
Hi Gurl,
I hope you will. And I hope you'll share more of your straightforward and unapologetic views in comments as well.
Thanks for reading and posting.
Posted by: Leigh Shulman | April 19, 2010 at 09:22 PM
I know. It is a great idea. So generous as well. It must be extremely time consuming.
Posted by: Leigh Shulman | April 19, 2010 at 09:23 PM