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April 23, 2010



I know I should say wow how wonderful, but they look somewhat cumbersome in flight. Having said that, I do think they are beautiful, and you are lucky to see them.

Nancy Harder

Beautiful! I couldn't get over seeing flamingos in El Calafate. Sounds like you are having a wonderful week so far!


Flamingos...in the desert?! Awesome.

Leigh Shulman

Interesting that you say that, Cate. I actually like that distinction between how we think we're "supposed to" react and what we actually feel.

Very true. They do look cumbersome.

I suppose what strikes me most about this particular shot is how difficult it is to catch these birds in any position other than standing with their heads in the water.

I'm amazed we were able to catch this moment with them. Mostly luck, too, I'd say.

Leigh Shulman

We haven't made it down to Calafate. Hopefully there's a "yet" at the end of that sentence too.

And yes, we are having a great week. Totally exhausting, but quite wonderful.

Leigh Shulman

I know, right? I always think of them as indigenous to southern Florida.

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