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March 22, 2010


Rachel O

And thank you to bringing me back to my Ellen. This was so beautifully written. I spend too much time forgetting how important what I do just to keep my family happy and alive really is.

Leigh Shulman

I think most of us do. I know I get really wrapped up in my work, especially. I was chatting with a friend yesterday. She works as a counselor for drug and alcohol dependence.

She was saying how so many people seem to forget how to stop and appreciate the joy in life. That they/we are so busy working toward our goals -- which is great to have a purpose -- we forget to take time in the present.

She also said that often when people do reach their goals, they realize it doesn't make them any happier than before, and that can lead to depression and other dependencies. Because once they reach their goals, they lose purpose.

Really interesting perspective, I thought.


Enjoyed the article, Leigh!
Keep writing!

Leigh Shulman

When I get comments like yours, I only want to write more.

Thank you, Pres!

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