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February 22, 2010


Susanna a.k.a. Cheap Like Me



So sad, but that's nature for you.

Charles Conlan

A heart rush, with love so tender.

Leigh Shulman

Exactly. Although, I started wondering if it's really sad or just life. Perhaps living in cities for so long has made me soft.

Leigh Shulman

Gracias, Charles! :)

Leigh Shulman

Thank you! Which also reminds me, I'd love to see more of your fiction.

C. Russo

Very moving and a great depiction of life in Sapo Land...*clap clap clap* Looking forward to more!


I thoroughly enjoyed your story and the pictures were perfect. Sometimes we forget how the cycle of life works. I find comfort in the renewal.


So earthy yet magical --- very much reminded me of Garbriel Garcia Marquez. Magical realists always say it's real stuff they're writing about, because there's a kind of magic left in the countryside of the america, a magic particularly not discovered or ruined in the south. Like the girl in One Hundred Year of Solitude who is always followed by a troop of butterflies. Apparently, there really is a kind of butterfly who chooses to follow around certain people. Or so they say.

I really felt that in this piece, for all its sadness.

On another note, I can relate to that transition from the city to the country. The first few weeks of traveling with my dad in Indonesia, I could not sleep at all. He'd say: "You're not used to the sounds of the kampung (country). You're used to the sound of Brooklyn car alarms."

Strange that we can get to a place where the sounds of the wild are actually more jilting than the sounds of machines.

Leigh Shulman

This is the first time I've posted fiction on this blog. I admit, I was really nervous to do so. Not entirely sure why.

Your feedback makes me want to write more.

Leigh Shulman

Thank you, Laura. I'm glad you like it. And thanks for reading it, too. Posting fiction here was a bit of a question for me, because it's different from what I normally write.

Exactly what you say was my driving idea when writing it. Here I am in the country (although not deep country) feeling so overwhelmed by nature around me. It's overtaking in so many ways, and dealing with the death of all these animals and instincts is foreign to me.

I found I did forget what should be the normal cycle of things after years in NYC.

Leigh Shulman

Did you know that magical realism is my favorite style of writing. Marquez is one of the biggest influences on my writing. I love his books. Love in the Time of Cholera is literally my all time favorite book ever.

And one of the reasons I wanted to live in South America is to be exposed to the culture and language that lead to those writings.

So that you see both in this story totally makes my day!

Thank you for that and also for reading.

I also had to learn how to sleep with the noises of el campo. Brooklyn car alarms and cars on the BQE, not a problem. Birds at 5:56 exactly every morning and I'm awake.

Although the birds are a really lovely way to wake up.

C. Russo

Do it! Do it! Do it!

Kermit Lukacs

I like how your story almost had a touch of magic realism in it. A quiet symposium of frogs, the floating of a bird... that way you'd get a sense of distancing from the world of nature and the world of men. Nice work on the setting, though. It makes me want to tie the roof down in case it floats away with the rain.

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