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February 24, 2010



Oh god, them screaming "we want spinach"...Lila is quite the character. Do you have pics? I can't even remember what tadpoles look like anymore...


Haaa. Tadpoles! I think this is the first time I've read that word in over 5-6 years. I totally forgot they existed.

Wonderful story.

Leigh Shulman

Right now they're too small and just look like dirt in the water. As they get bigger, I'll post some.

I have to say, though, when they get to the stage right before they grow legs, they are SO ugly.

Leigh Shulman

I know what you mean. I hadn't seen or thought of a tadpole in forever, until we suddenly had thousands right outside our door.

What's also funny is that I've been using the Spanish word for them (renacuajo) most of the time. When I went to write this post, it took a while before I could remember the English.


This is the most fun story I've read in a while! I love the stuff you guys do!

Kids fitness

This is look cool when you are young but too dirty when you play a frog that now you are adult.
I have seen some people use to cook and eat frog and this can be considered as exotic food.

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