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February 28, 2010



We were concerned

That would be Jake (who is 12) and Me from NE Ohio

We happened upon your blog a year or so ago by going down some wormhole or other and landing feet first right here and have been following the exploits of your family ever since.

Charles Conlan

I second that........


The news is still filtering out all over the world as more aftershocks are reeking havoc in smaller towns across the region. So glad you guys are safe.

Definitely makes one wonder what's on going around the world at this time with all these natural disasters, earthquakes, blizzards, and floods in rapid succession of each other.


Still, glad you're ok! Lots of craziness going on in the world.

Leigh Shulman

I know. It is nutty.

During the ride home, I said the same thing. Noah pointed out that Chile is on what's called the Ring of Fire. A ring of volcanic and seismic activity going through South America and around to Asia, including Japan and Indonesia all centering around an enormous tectonic plate.

Either that or it's time for us to start taking better care of the planet or Mama Tierra will spank us. (I think that could very well be the subject of a short story)

Or maybe both!

Leigh Shulman

Thanks, Lola, for your good thoughts.

I always wonder if there really is more going on now or if we're just more aware of these things happening after something as big as the quake in Haiti occurs.

Either way, though, it doesn't make what's going on any less overwhelming.

Leigh Shulman

Hi Me and Jake!

Thank you so much for your concern and thoughts. I have to say, I'm really touched.

I'm also happy to finally meet you. I always appreciate hearing from people who read this blog and enjoy getting to know something about your life as well.

Besos from (a calm) Argentina.

Leigh Shulman

Thank you to you as well, Charles. As always.

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