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December 03, 2009


Christine Garvin

Breath of fire is my FAVORITE way to get my mind to slow the f down!


Great post and great reminder! I'm following your advice.

Leigh Shulman

It always strikes me as funny that something so active and full of energy can leave you so calm. Like cures like sort of thing, maybe?

What is it about these days that have felt so much more hectic? I hear the same from so many people, too.


Nice posting. Do you know about these pranayama books?



This is a simple exercise. Yet amazingly a very effective anti-stress activity. Thanks for sharing. We all need to 'breath' in these very stressful times.

vigilon security reviews

Needed that advice. I really have to find a way to remove all of the stress from my mind.

How to Relieve Stress

Wow! I have never heard of Breath of Fire before reading your post. I tried it instantly and loved it. How powerful.

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