I've never been the neat handbag type.
Business cards, old receipts, things Lila hands to me, things I want to keep but don't know what to do with them, they all eventually end up at the bottom or in the numerous pockets of my bag. Some things are useful. Others, junk. And some are mementos, things I don't really need, but can't bring myself to throw away. Yet.
Before every major trip, though, I clean and organize. I like to think of it as a testament to the need to move on.This time, my bag -- which triples as handbag, computer bag and carry on -- has been through a lot. It began with us in Salta beginning of July. We made our way through Cordoba, Neuquen and skiing San Martin de los Andes. Then Atlanta, Burning Man, where my bag arrived to find itself smack in the middle of a dust storm, and finally two overnight drives from Atlanta to NYC and back.
What did I find?Zipties
These little things are endlessly useful for Burning Man. From attaching tarp to poles for a shade structure, to securing your tent, connecting a cup handle to utility belt, bondage classes and excellent for tying, securing or binding just about anything. Very handy.
Now that I'm no longer at Burning Man, I still use them in dozens of situations. Bracelets for Lila, collars for her stuffed kitty -- which honestly, is so tight, it seems to border on bondage as well. Quick suitcase fixes, holding computer cables and so much more.
Half Eaten String Cheese, Still In WrapperI'm not proud. I guess it ended up here somewhere between Harrisburg and Roanoke, but this isn't the first time I've found food remains festering here. Balloons
I carry these just about everywhere, always. Not so much for Burning Man, because I figured a burst balloon will likely end up in pieces all over the playa, but as a toy. Blow one up and Lila is occupied for hours. They're also great when playing with a group of kids, because their floaty, bouncy ways ensure that all children playing have a chance at the ball.
Bike Cover In Ziplock
Another prop from Burning Man. I got mine at Black Rock Bicycles, where we rented our bikes. The owner's wife makes them. Mine is purple on top with a many colored tie-dyed edge. It's still filthy from dust storms, and there's an inch of playa dust at the bottom of the bag which oddly makes me wax nostalgic. How quickly a girl forgets how corrosive such dust can be.
Two Pairs Of Underwear.
One Lila's. One mine. Both clean. Because you never know when you'll need them.
Yes, those are my Top Five. Three of which, I'll continue to keep in my bag. Can you guess which ones?
The others, I'm sure, will somehow find their way back, along with incense, a bike lock, jeweled heart and butterfly stickers, candles, ski lift ticket, a few rocks, seeds, leaves from various trees and a pack of two inch nails.
I go through this every time we pack. It's the constant winnowing of what is important enough to carry along, what must be thrown out and what must be left behind. This process is enormous, overwhelming the first time you do it. Over time, though, it gets easier, and eventually, you find you just won't feel right unless you've lightened your load. After all, do you really want to carry a sleeping bag cover and hammer along for the ride?
This time, I'll admit, has been much harder than in the past. I don't want to leave Atlanta, although I do want to return to our adventure in Salta. Here, we have family, contacts, connections. There, we have a new project, a summer of camping in some of the most beautiful terrain on the planet, and plenty I have yet to uncover.
Photo courtesy of Valerie Renee's Flickrstream
I love this, Leigh-- I always like to know what's in people's bags. I have a Baggallini bag that has held up for more than a year as a day bag/carry on/laptop gear bag and here's what you'll always find in there:
-Moleskine notebooks of various sizes
-a rather impressive collection of hotel pens
-a sarong, which I don't use as a sarong but as a blanket on flights
Posted by: Julie | September 29, 2009 at 07:02 PM
What a fun piece Leigh! I'm hoping the string cheese didn't make the cut for final inclusion in the packing though.
Posted by: JoAnna | September 29, 2009 at 07:45 PM
Ah, yes, moleskine. Every traveler's bag should have one.
I also love hearing what people have in their bags. Thanks for sharing yours. I hope other people reading this will do the same.
Posted by: Leigh Shulman | September 29, 2009 at 08:03 PM
No, no string cheese. I had to leave room for another things. Maybe a half chewed empanada or alfajor.
Posted by: Leigh Shulman | September 29, 2009 at 08:04 PM
I have baby snacks and two journals, one big enough for scribbling notes and another larger one for doodles and quick drawings of ideas...(I don't actually draw, just doodle). I also have my iPod and my Nikon Instant just in case I see something I want to come back to shoot. Sort of how I used Polaroids in the past for my film. I have a couple of zipties (you never know) and I always keep $5 in quarters. I also keep a couple of matchbox cars for B when he's getting ansy someplace and tictacs, cherry. I have in the past found various food items, including the string cheese, but am getting better at checking my bag when I've been out. Oh and I also carry hand sanitizer just in case there's no washing facility along with a few diapers and small wipes container. I guess I should include a pair of undies for me as well. Hope all is well with you!
Posted by: Laura | September 30, 2009 at 04:50 PM
Interesting post Leigh, definitely funny how the string cheese was festering there. But yea, I think a person's bag, or what they keep in it rather, says a lot about them and their travels. I always have books and moleskine notebooks (your right, they are a traveler's close friend, lol) along with my laptop in mine.
BTW, looking forward to all the other things you have left to uncover. I'm sure you'll keep us all up-to-date!
Cuidate! Saludos a la familia.
Posted by: C. Russo | October 01, 2009 at 01:50 PM
Hi Laura,
Funny how zipties are a staple for you. I just found them by mistake. I think mothers (and even more so grandmothers) are the McGyver's of life.
Yes, things are well with me, although unbelievably hectic. Lots of new stuff. Looking for a new place to live here. Lila just got her first ever homework assignment today. And then there are those new projects I've been talking about. (They're still a bit too new and uncertain to talk about yet. But hopefully soon.)
How are you doing?
Posted by: Leigh Shulman | October 06, 2009 at 12:39 PM
It still amazes me that laptops are now actually small enough to fit comfortably in a bag you can carry. Maybe it's just me being thankful I don't have to carry a 20 lbs bag anymore (including all my books, laptop and everything else).
I happened to find this three set of red, unlined Moleskines for something like 15 dollars in Atlanta. They're not thick, thick, but certainly enough to keep busy for a while. We all have one now.
And of course, I'm also looking forward to hearing more about your plans.
Posted by: Leigh Shulman | October 06, 2009 at 12:41 PM
Wow, quite frugal, but soooo random! I bet a lot of backpackers would wish they could pack like that! Anyway, where else have you been to? With that skill, you could be spared from any overweight if you go abroad.
Posted by: Janet File | May 24, 2011 at 03:15 PM