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September 12, 2009



I love your sense of freedom. Even though we don't travel much, I would love to see the world. We usually stay within the US, mostly visiting family in Minnesota, Massachusetts & Florida. This is mostly for lack of money...LOL. But no matter where I go, as much as I love it, there is always a point where I am ready to just "go home". I am just a homebody , I guess. But, one day, I would love to just travel for a while.
Your posts always draw me a picture of wherever you are. Thank you! XOXOX


I love that, for you, renting a house for a few years is such a big deal! I think ideally I'd like to have a house here in NL, even if it's just a building to come back to throughout my travels. Maybe that's the more materialistic side of me, who knows. It's cool that Lila already has her views of home all figured out.

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