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July 19, 2009


Lisa B

Next time we see each other, I may have to hit you up for a tutorial in all this technology. I can't keep up anymore. It's starting to make me feel old and stodgy!

Leigh Shulman

I'd be happy to share anything I can with you. I'll tell you, though, the way technology moves today, it takes daily updates to keep up. Then it's all about choosing which technologies, websites and social media venues will actually become useful tools.


I just love following you & the family on your travels. I was just wondering though, after the convention & other things you are going to do in the U.S., will you be going back to your place in Salta? It seemed like such a warm & peaceful place to be. Keep having fun!
Love ya, Collette

Leigh Shulman

Hey Collette,

It's been a pleasure getting to know you through my blog and yours as well. I always appreciate your comments and input.

We are planning to return to Salta after the summer. This July flight back to the US is the return part of our original ticket. We decided to take it, visit with family and since we'd already bought tickets to Burning Man, we figured we go.

Afterwards, though, we go back to Salta, will immediately look for a place to rent for a couple years and begin the process of living there full time, which will include getting to know the areas around Salta.

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