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July 21, 2009



I guess the message is: don't take the bus in Argentina when on Atkins.


Also, this somehow seems the karmic opposite to: http://thefutureisred.typepad.com/onedayatatime/2009/02/the-parable-of-the-bus-driver.html

Leigh Shulman

Very true. I will say, though, the evil bus driver bit was meant to be fiction, although I don't think it was a particularly successful piece of fiction. Perhaps this calls for an edit?

It's also the difference between bus drivers within the city of Salta and the national large chain buses. Those in Salta terrify me. They'll start moving while you still have one foot on the bus. Once, I was holding Lila by the hand, her swinging in the air outside the open door while others on the bus yelled for the driver to "Para Para Para."

It's strange, too, because Saltenos across the board are some of the kindest, most considerate people I have met anwhere.

Leigh Shulman

There is no place for Atkins or South beach here. I can't imagine how a vegetarian with a wheat allergy would survive. (Ok, hyperbole, but you'd certainly have to search around more for food options)

I have been hearing, though, from many people that there's a sudden rise in celiac among Argentinians and whispers of the need to cut down on wheat and meat.

Steven Roll

Leigh, interesting post. When we were on our vacation in Mexico last month my wife and kids and I took the bus from Guadalajara to Puerto Vallarta. It was pretty similar to what you described. We saw about three movies and had some snacks. It was a nice way to see a good portion of the country. Driving would have been pretty stressful.


When my mother told me she took my grandmother on an overnight bus in Argentina last fall, I was shocked. I had images of them cramped in small seats missing half their cushioning. Then she explained that it was more like an airplane with full service and the food wasn't half bad. I'm looking forward to trying them for myself soon!

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