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July 17, 2009


Jen Hall

Oh my gosh, Leigh, I'm so impressed!! Good for you! Funny to imagine you shooshing through snow while we're melting in hot, sticky Brooklyn. Miss you!


I am terrified also lol!!! Brave soul... Can't wait to see you guys!


That sounds fun! Good thing you went for it, you may never know if that was your only chance. I'm one of those "plan for the future" type of person and "I'll do it tomorrow" always seems to pop up. Lately I've been trying to just go with the flow and if its there, just got for it. Yes, we have to plan for tomorrow but you have to take chances along the way. No point of planning for tomorrow if you wont have any experiences along the way. So, what's next on your list? Sky diving perhaps?


:) I am glad you faced your fear. Skiing is awesome, now try snowboarding! It was even more fun for me, and easier to learn. Look forward to seeing you at BRC..

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