Couchsurfing began ten years ago today. TEN YEARS!!! Hard to believe.
I've been surfing for almost three years now, and have been what's known as an ambassador for about a year and a half.
What's an ambassador, you might ask? You're someone who loves Couchsurfing, loves the community and has been involved long enough or actively enough to be considered an expert of sorts. You realize, you want to be more involved.
How do you become an ambassador? You apply. There are five levels of ambassadorship, including a new category called a Family Ambassador. In short, your profile represents the interests, abilities and needs of an entire family. I have considered moving to this level, but am happy where I am now as a Nomadic Ambassador. That means I move around a lot, connect with local communities wherever I go. Go to Couchsurfing's Description of Ambassadors for all the information you could possibly want or need about being or becoming an ambassador.
Check out Couchsurfing's latest edition of Wanderlust, the online magazine dealing with all things Couchsurfing, for more information about International Couchsurfing Day.
I'll also be posting updates throughout the day on @couchsurfing including tips from other Couchsurfers around the world, information on local meetups and more.
Birthday image courtesy of Tela Chhe's Flickrstream