Couchsurfing is now officially on Twitter, and guess who will be updating the account.
Yes, me.
The first tweet went up last week. It reads: Psst! Check out our new URL! is now
You can find the Twitter account at, what else, @couchsurfing where I'll be posting information about worldwide Couchsurfing meetings, festivals and events such as the NYC Couchcrash. Or the First Annual North Amercan Couchsurfing Camp Out. I'll also provide tips and answer how-tos for Couchsurfing beginners and post some general travel information, good deals on travel and other information that may come my way.
UPDATE 8.13.09: I'm no longer the Couchsurfing official twitterer so can no longer vouch for anything posted there nor can I answer any questions for them. If, however, you have any general thoughts, ideas or questions about Couchsurfing, how to go about doing it or want my opinions on it, just ask.