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February 27, 2009



What is the best way to find a female person to travel with in the united states?

Leigh Shulman

Hi Carmela,

I think Couchsurfing is one of the best ways to find a travel companion. You can look in the groups section. There's even one specifically for women traveling solo.

Aside from that, hostels are always a good place to find people going in all directions.

If you give me an idea of where you're going and what you're looking for, I can probably give other ideas too.



I am a teacher in NC and came across your site while researching some information about Costa Rica for my geography section for this years class. I wanted to thank you for the great information and articles about Norway, and let you know about a site we are putting together for teachers that might have some useful information about Costa Rica (link below) for your site.


We would love it if you could write a couple articles for us, or spread our site to other teachers by linking to it, Tweeting it, or adding it to Facebook.

Thanks and keep the resources coming
Bre Matthews

curtis johnson

Traveling is a fun way to be with a family or even alone just to unwind. There are a lot of options to choose when traveling. There are traveling agencies that provides great discounts on amenities like house rentals, hotel rentals and other stuff. These can be paid in an easy way. What you need is to plan it ahead of time. Thanks a lot for sharing this info to us. Great job!

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There are certain options that you must consider to obtain convenient and enjoyable travel. One must consider to the place where you are familiar, read all facts and figures of that place. Rest well before going to travel and lastly get all important things and stuffs that you may used in travelling. I will share to you this thoughts because I love travelling.

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