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December 31, 2008


Susanna a.k.a. Cheap Like Me

Lovely post. So true (as I can say with 13 years under my belt). I read once that couples who have been married 50+ years tend to have something like 5-8 recurring issues on which their fights center, where they basically just agree to disagree ... safe travels.

Leigh Shulman

Thanks, Susanna. I feel like I've changed so much since in this regard since N and I first met. Far more than I ever thought possible. Can't even imagine what it's like after 50 years.


I love reading your blog. I can just *hear* your voice in my head and it makes me smile. Did you know that yours was the first wedding of a non-relative I ever went to? And Rachel sat next to me and explained everything to me. :) Anyway, I'm thrilled to be vicariously sharing in your adventures and your wisdom and your laughter. Big hugs to you and Noah and Lila.

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