We're back in Atlanta and I'm in search of a good yoga studio. My requirements?
It must be nearby. It must have drop in classes. And it must be real yoga, not the kind of power yoga that turns a relaxing, challenge for your mind and body into the equivalent of a stretching on a treadmill.
It's not too much to ask. I know this. There have been studios that fill these three requirements in every single place we've traveled. Be that a small yoga class on the dock in Bocas or the three excellent studios within ten minutes of my bed in Buffalo, they're easy to find.
Not here. I'm having the damndest time.
Ok, well, there is one place, called Sattva Yoga & Healing within walking distance. It does fill all my requirements. The philosophy and the classes look solid. The studio is pleasant and comfortable.There's just this one, well, there's just this thing that makes me a bit hinky. You see, this place is not only a yoga studio, but doubles -- should you require it -- as a colonic irrigation center. As the sign says, Yoga and Healing (wink wink).
At first, this was a source of much jokery. Yeah, let's go to the yoga place for a root and toot. Or Noah's favorite, "Hey, we could go on a date." Can they do two at the same time? But now that I'm actually here and ready to attend classes, I'm finding it difficult to be quite so flippant. I checked the website and what I saw truly traumatized me.
Basically, you lie on your back on machine that looks like a pinball game. This contraption is called the, ahem, Colenz. Next, you insert the nozzle and lay a drape sheet over your lower half. There's a sign clearly stating, though, that the FDA requires everyone insert his or her own nozzle. For whatever reason -- a reason I am only mildy curious to know -- the technician can't do it for you. My guess: this reduces the number of fetishists coming in their door. (Or perhaps that's just an insight into my thinking I didn't need to share?) I'll stop right there with this description, but I will say the rest involves low pressure warm water, a scoop and handi-wipes.
For those of you who care to know more, you can see and read all about the ins and outs of colonic irrigation in full diagramatic detail right here. All I can say is that I've been somewhat traumatised by the whole thing since I read it late, late one night last week. And I am not generally faint at heart when it comes to discussing body functions. I mean, I have an ongoing discussion about bedsores with a nurse friend of mine, and after spending more than one night covered in my sick shivering child's vomit, well, you see what I'm saying.
Otherwise, I have found no other yoga studios within a 20 minute drive. They may be closer mile-wise, but Atlanta traffic could use a bit of time on the Colenz too. So I may have to bite the bullet and just partake of these classes even with the Colenz in such close proximity.
Hey, you never know. Maybe I'll get used to being around them. And then, who knows where things can lead. They do, after all, have TWO machines.
leigh, i've had to have internal sonograms done and it's the same thing--the tech asks YOU to insert the dildo-looking transducer. i understand that--you feel less violated and more in control that way and it cuts WAY down on the chance of liabilities. as for the colonic irrigation, it's just bullshit. if you want to cleanse your colon, just do a water fast for a couple days. good way to spiritually cleanse too and combined with yoga and meditation, can be a great break. detox, cleanse and renew. otherwise, your colon is SUPPOSED to be full of shit, since this last 6 feet of your GI system is for elimination. don't be freaked out by these weirdos--they really do believe in it and don't realize it can actually be harmful. meanwhile, just BREATHE, lol.
Posted by: Judy Greenwald | October 23, 2008 at 10:45 PM
Maybe that needs to be my mantra when I go to yoga classes there. Ommm. Your colon is supposed to be full of shit. Ommmm. Great to hear from you again, btw. Looking forward to hearing about your latest travels.
Posted by: Leigh | October 24, 2008 at 12:00 AM
Thank you SO much for that visual. I love that the yoga teachers ARE the colon cleaners, er, colonic therapists. And I love that the digestive system in the cartoony graphic looks like it's wearing a jaunty beret.
Posted by: Susanna a.k.a. Cheap Like Me | October 24, 2008 at 04:14 PM
I am sorry you were traumatized, but colonic irrigation is a great way to be healthy, even if the procedures turn a person off. Its amazing how a toxic colon can affect the mind and how much it clears it when its clean.
Posted by: Colon Hydrotherapy | December 07, 2009 at 05:06 PM
its a very informative blog. i did not know much about colonic irrigation, but after reading this blog i am thankful to you for providing me such valuable information.
Posted by: irrigation systems | July 14, 2010 at 02:01 PM